PM Modi’s Open Letter To Nation Regarding Mirgrants In India

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On the ocassion of one year completion of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as the Union Government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicted a  letter to the Nation.

The letter in which Mr. Modi addressed the struggles of migrant workers, he said, migrants “undergone tremendous suffering” during the Novel Coronavirus crisis.

Mr. Modi said, “In a crisis of this magnitude, it can certainly not be claimed that no one suffered any inconvenience or discomfort. Our labourers, migrant workers, artisans and craftsmen in small scale industries, hawkers and such fellow countrymen have undergone tremendous suffering.”

The letter further read, “However, we have to take care to ensure that inconveniences that we are facing do not turn into disasters. There are many challenges and problems that our country faces. I am working day and night. There could be deficiencies in me but there is nothing that our country lacks. So, I believe in you, your strength and your abilities even more than I believe in myself.”

Emphasising on his words of self reliant India, Mr. Modi said due to the pandemic crisis, Indian companies should be self reliant, making Made in India goal for the economic crisis.

He said, “Due to the global pandemic this is certainly a time of crisis but for us Indians this is also a time for a firm resolve. We must always remember that the present and future of 130 crore will never be dictated by an adversity.”

Mr. Modi said, “During normal times, I would have been in your midst. However, the present circumstances do not permit that. That is why, I seek your blessings through this letter.”

He said, “In 2019, the people of India voted not merely for continuity but also with a dream- of taking India to new heights.”

The other major changes happened under Modi Government are: Ayodhya verdict, Abolition of Article 370, the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and other political decisions to enhance international relations.

Mr. Modi concluded his letter, “The list of such historic actions and decisions taken in national interest would be too long to detail in this letter. But I must say that every day of this year, my government has worked round the clock with full vigour, taking and implementing these decisions.  Many feared that India will become a problem for the world when corona hits India. But today, you have transformed the way the world looks at us. You have proven that the collective strength and potential of Indians is unparalleled compared even to the powerful and prosperous countries of the world. Be it clapping and lighting a lamp to the honouring of Corona Warriors by India’s armed forces, Janta curfew or by faithful adherence to rules during the nationwide lockdown, on every occasion you have shown that Ek Bharat is the guarantee for Shrestha Bharat.”

The BJP came in power for the first time in 2014 and finished its terms in 2019.  The Party once again defeated the INC and came into power with 300 plus seats for a second term in 2019.